According to PNC Wealth Management, this is the current cost of the 12 Days of Christmas:
12 Drummers Drumming - $2475.00
11 Pipers Piping - $2285.00
10 Lords a Leaping - $4414.00
9 Ladies Dancing - $4759
8 Maids a Milking - $52 (these girls seem underpaid and should start a union)
7 Swans Swimming - $5600.00
6 Geese a Laying - $240
5 Golden Rings - $350
4 Calling Birds - $60
3 French Hens - $30
2 Turtle Doves - $35
1 Partridge - $20
1 Pear Tree - $200
A total of $86,609.00 and I'm not at all sure that figure includes Worker's Comp coverage for all of those folks who are leaping, dancing, etc.
Which got me thinking...what would Moongrl's 12 days of Christmas look like? I wouldn't want all those damn birds. They're loud and just something else to pick up after. And where to put the swans? Hmmmm.... I'd rather have:
12 Days in Isla
11 Spa days!
10 pounds missing from my body
9 More days in Isla
8 Bottles of Wine
7 New pairs of cool jeans
6 New pairs of shoes
5 Silver Tiffany Charmsssssssss!!!!!
4 Jars of Origins Salt Scrub
3 Housekeeping Staff Members
2 Cool Sportscars (one for Mr. Wonderful
And a pretty new Winter Coat!
Oh, yeah...and peace on earth. For information on donating of any of the above items, please contact me. What do you want for Christmas?
Great list! Am trying to read all the blogs I've missed the last 2 days because of no power--still don't have it back , but we havea generator!
Peace of mind. Instant 50 pound weight loss. My two front teeth (just kidding!). And one big wish! But if I told you what the big one is, I'd jinx it! Ha! Another great post Jana!
Let's see, I'd like 1 drummer drumming, 2 dog whisperers, 3 healthy parents (that includes Tim's mom), 4 beach vacations (Isla, Captiva, Topsail, and Beaufort, to be specific), 5 casual workdays (why only Friday?), 6 remodeled rooms...Fun post, Jana!
I want what you want!!!!! And I want it wrapped and delivered pronto!
I am freezing my arse off!! Damn winter!!
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