Monday, January 2, 2012

Candy Bacon!!

That's right, I said 'Candy Bacon'. And no, it's not my new stripper name. It's an amazing extreme food that Jack and I cooked up today. want it now, don't you? You know you do. Well....I'll share the recipe since I'm so nice. Just slip me a folded dollar bill...

Brown Sugar
That's it

Line the bottom of a broiler pan (see pic below) with foil and preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Spray top of broiler pan with Pam or rub with butter or a pig or whatever.

Coat bacon evenly on both sides with brown sugar. Place on pan in pretty wavy patterns. Bake for 40 - 45 minutes until crisp.

Remove onto paper towels. Remove pretty quickly from paper towels so it won't stick to the paper and onto a plate. Hold your breath and take a big bite. Listen for sounds of angels singing. Contemplate if they are singing because of the deliciousness or because you are actually eating candy bacon and therefore that much closer to being with them. Promise yourself to eat a salad tomorrow

Line the bottom of the pan with foil
Bacon + Brown Sugar = Unadulterated Goodness
Coat the bacon evenly on both sides with brown sugar.
Let the heavy breathing commence
Jack deems the Candy Bacon a huge success
Princess Aliyah liked it, too and even gave Ozzy a bite because she is a kind and beautful Princess like that

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