Technologically speaking, I consider myself fairly up to date. I email, I blog (duh), I facebook, I text and use my iPhone for everything, but I am resisting the pull of the electronic reader. Oh, I certainly can see the attraction of the Nook or Kindle, the convenience, no more shoving four books in my suitcase for a week at the beach. I get that. You know what my problem is? I'll admit it...I am in love with the library.
There, I've said it. I am in LOVE with the library. I can go online and place books on hold and when they are available, the library will text me! I can get free DVD rentals (three week rentals!) and although the DVD selection ain't no Netflix, it's a good Netflix backup and they have a lot of older movies that are fantastic.
Do you remember Bookmobiles? I loved those. They brought the books...TO ME!! As a child, I was no stranger to the library. My Mother used to take us there and we'd be allowed to choose three books at a time. I think we usually did that in the summer.
Probably my favorite perk of the library is the cost. It's absolutely free! I get the most amazing feeling when I walk out through those cool double doors, my arms full of new books and movies and I didn't spend a dime. And if I start to read a book and don't like it, I slide that baby right back into the chute, guilt-free.
I gotta go read now. :)
Jana, ditto ditto ditto here. I used to spend at least $100 a month on books. When my son went to college out-of-state, I decided we'd just soak up the additional bills without dipping into savings or taking out loans. I cut buying books (among other things) and started using the public library. Call me frugal, but I've never gone back to the bookstore. I can get all the new titles with very little wait time, and if I don't like the book, I chuck it back in the bin and forget about it. No guilt because I paid for a book that I find boring. I'll think about a Nook or one that's library compatible when our local library expands their downloadable titles.
I amend that statement. I do occasionally shop the bookstore or Costco for titles that I then go home and book online!
Beck, I should also mention that sometimes, the hot librarian aka Mr. Catz 'checks me out'. LOL. :)
I am a library person, too! I usually stop in a few times a week. One of my earliest favorite memories of things I did with my Dad was going to the library every week. I come from a big family of readers! But there is also a place for the ereader...I bought one( Nookcolor ) for Alan for his birthday & am thinking about the new Nook . I like not having to carry 10 books to Isla--I do usually leave them there!
I used to say that I was addicted to buying books. When I worked I had my books shipped to my office. The mailroom guy always coming to my cube and saying something "uh you got more books?" I haven't been to the library in forever. If they do go through with the Kindle compatibility then I might use the library for that.
I, too, love the library, and now that I have the university at my disposal, I use it all the time. Bookmobiles!!! OMG, I hadn't thought of those since I was a kid! I loved them! I can still remember the smell when I would climb on board. Thanks for that memory.
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