It was another beautiful day and we headed up North on Highway 1 right after breakfast. The weather changed her mind several times during our 30 minute drive, going from foggy to sunny and back again. By the time we reached Hearst Castle, she had decided upon sunny.

When I think of Hearst Castle, the following words come to mind: Enchanting, Opulent, Decadent, Breathtaking.
Condensed history of Hearst Castle- The Castle or 'The Ranch' as Hearst referred to it, is on a high hill overlooking the Pacific ocean near San Simeon. Construction was begun on this masterpiece in 1915 and was designed by architect Julia Morgan for gazillionaire William Randolph Hearst.
Hearst is quoted as saying, "I would like to build something upon the hill at San Simeon. I get tired of going up there and camping in tents. I'm getting a little too old for that. I'd like to get something that would be a little more comfortable."
The final result (three decades later!) was a compound of over 90,000 square feet and includes 56 bedrooms, 61 bathrooms, 19 sitting rooms, 127 acres of gardens, indoor and outdoor swimming pools, tennis courts, a movie theater, an airfield, and the world's largest private zoo. Zebras and other exotic animals still roam the grounds. Comfy? I'll say!
Hearst's family had owned this property for a long time, but his Mother wouldn't allow him to build on it because "He'd get carried away." ha ha ha.

The Neptune Pool is magnificent! An ancient Roman temple is part of the design, having been purchased, shipped to the states and reconstructed on site. (Seen behind me in the pic)

These lights surround the compound.

Hearst Castle is magnificent because it combines three amazing things. First - it's breathtaking setting. Lush green hills, a view of the blue ocean, and a climate that can't be beat. Secondly, the building and design is incredibly beautiful. Details? Unbelievable. Even the winding drive up to the castle was designed to tease you, with the castle peeking in and out of your view as you climb the hill. And the third element is the art. This place is stuffed full of priceless works of art. Everywhere you look, you will see ancient Greek vases, paintings by European masters, ancient Roman sculptures, Egyptian sarcophagi (the statuary and such adorn the gardens, as well), but some elements of the building itself are also ancient. A ceiling from an ancient Spanish castle that was purchased, dismanteled and shipped over, then fitted to a certain bedroom in the house. Hearst Castle employs ten people just to dust this place and they do it twice a day. I asked.
A great place to throw a party, you are probably thinking. No kidding! Lavish parties thrown by William Randolph Hearst and his glamorous movie star mistress, Marion Davies (he and his first wife were separated but not divorced for some religious? reason and he lived publicly with Marion for about 30 years until his death). The guest lists included Charlie Chaplin, Carol Lombard, Clark Gable, Joan Crawford, Cary Grant, the Marx Brothers, Charles Lindberg, Calvin Coolidge, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jimmy Stewart, Bob Hope and Winston Churchill. Hearst was not a drinker and worried about Marion's drinking, so although wine and beer were served at the parties, hard liquor was frowned upon. It's said that most guests were on their best behavior until Hearst retired for the evening. Then the party really began.
Look closely at the tree in the picture covered with tangerines. All over the property are trees covered in lemons, grapefruit, and tangerines. During Hearst's time, the property was nearly self sufficient, with extensive gardens, orchards and cattle.

a sarcophagus is garden art

Note the door to the bathroom. It's from an old castle. Nice, huh?

A bedroom ceiling

A porch off of one of the bedrooms. Look at the big lion paws table legs

A dress from their period costume collection is laid out on the bed. Imagine that you are a guest at one of William Randolph Hearst's legendary parties and your assigned servant has laid this out for you.

Can't get over the view

The architectural detail is incredible

The kitchen was big and beautiful and contained the 'latest' electric gadgets, like refrigerators!

This is about 1/8 of the kitchen. Swoon!!!

The indoor pool:

Real gold leaf tiles!

Next stop? Cambria. A cute little town near Heart Castle with shops, restaurants and wine tasting. We went to Moonstone Cellars and enjoyed a lovely afternoon of wine tasting and then had lunch before heading back to Morro Bay.
Back at Morro Bay we did a little shopping, got a coffee and napped. When we were shopping I saw an old VW hippie van that was totally rusted out. A cute little dog was sitting in it, waiting for his person. There was a 'For Sale' sign on the van. I think I probably could've bought it for what was in my pocket at the time.
A view of Morro Rock

Gerald walking down the street in Cambria

Every time a bell rings...

Pirate Prom Pic

Morro Bay was hosting an Antique Car Show and we caught the evening parade of cars. Everyone was having a blast and the cars were gorgeous.

Candy colored Tbird line up

We finished up the day with dinner at a dockside restaurant where seals played in the water right outside our window. The food was delicious and we had a view of Morro Rock. The couple next to us provided a fun conversation for us to creep on. He was REALLY trying overly hard to impress her and we got a kick out of that.
For more info on Hearst Castle, read Marion Davies' biography -
The Times We Had.
She seems like she was a very sweet person and the tales of living at the Castle are extremely interesting.
Did I mention before how much I love Central California?
Shh! The central coast is our secret! Glad you had a great time. If I ever win the lottery I am going to buy a home in Morro Bay.
And we'll come visit you there, Andrea. I'll bring some wine. :)
I've been in the area a few times but never taken the time to go through San Simeon. I think I'm more partial to San Francisco & north! Thanks for sharing all the photos!
At first I looked at those photos taken inside and thought -- how'd she get away with it! Then I remembered it's the flash you can't use. Great photos! Can't wait until we can get back to the Central Coast.
WOW Moonie that was great!!!! Thanks for the trip!
Hearst Castle is an absolutely amazing place.You got way more photos than I did when I visited. It must have been a very busy day because many of my photos had people I didn't know in them. Thanks for sharing you pics.
WHAT a place! Fit for a King, for sure!!!
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